2000-2012: Sixth Art and Movement

2010: Colors

What one misses sometimes is just a few instants to observe Mother Nature.

I believe in fate, except for when I write. I present you my seventh filmed amateur dance show with Art et Mouvement, which took place on June 12th and 13th 2010 at the Espace Rive Gauche in Mériel, and whose theme was the colors of nature.

First show in which a male was dancing with us! First and only show with Art et Mouvement in which I had four choreographies, two classical ones, two jazz ones, as well as a special little part in “Nuit”, the choreography that amused me the most! First show that combined dance, poetry, and experimental video with a slightly more original finale in which we almost all had a common choreography that involved us coming to the spectators! Nonetheless, this is the least ambitious and interesting show I have done with the school. Too modern musical groups as well.

Each show’s theme is interesting in itself, and even if I do feel the exact same pleasure to dance at every show, viewing them later when the mise-en-scène does not attract me that much is another thing. I still like the simple choreographies, costumes, and lighting, though this show was not that exciting.

Anyway, this one show, with its modern soundtrack that can be found in teenage movies of the time, took place during the best years of my life! (Irony)

Catch you next week!